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4 Practical and Stylish Laundry Room Design Inspirations to Elevate Your Home Living

by Stephen James 29 Nov 2023 0 comments

In the process of home design, a beautiful and practical laundry room is crucial. A laundry room design that combines aesthetics and functionality can help you make full use of all available resources, rebuild the relationship between space and people, and start a beautiful day from the laundry area.

Laundry Room

The laundry room is often the most overlooked area in home design and customization, regardless of the size of the space. Creating a laundry room that meets your needs is essential for making laundry work easy and important. However, due to the unique functionality of laundry room space, the issues to be considered in design and planning are actually quite cumbersome.

  • How to organize clothes storage without being messy?
  • How to solve the drying method?
  • How to make it more convenient?
  • How to set up a suitable laundry area for different space sizes?

Based on different space sizes and functional requirements, we have roughly divided the laundry system into four types: independent laundry room, laundry in balcony, laundry in bathroom, and hallway laundry room. Let's take a look together~

01 Independent Laundry Room

When living space is large enough and the laundry area has independent space, sufficient area solves all functional needs. Starting from the four major functions of washing, drying, ironing, and storage, combined with effective division of daily walking routes, the independent laundry room can play its role to the fullest.


1. No need to worry about the weather affecting drying

Independent laundry room spaces often come with complete drying and drying systems, allowing a series of tasks such as cleaning, drying, drying, ironing, and storage to be carried out indoors, eliminating the annoyance of being unable to wash clothes due to weather conditions.

2. No need to worry about air pollution

When drying colorful clothes in the southern hemisphere, many moths tend to attach to the clothes, causing the proliferation of bacteria. In some specific areas, there may be adverse weather conditions, such as sandstorms.

3. No worry about excessive sun exposure causing fading of clothes

For some light-colored clothes, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause fading and affect wear.

4. Convenient for washing, drying, ironing, and storage at any time

A well-equipped laundry room system can coordinate various tasks such as washing, drying, ironing, and storage at any time.

Independent Laundry Room A: Image 1

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Independent Laundry Room B: Image 1

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Independent Laundry Room C: Image 1

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Independent Laundry Room D: Image 1

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Independent Laundry Room E: Image 1

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02 Laundry in Balcony 

Compared to rooms like the living room and bedroom with clear needs, the balcony, which is less than 5 square meters, always seems to bear too many expectations. It seems wasteful to use it only for drying clothes, and wanting it to fulfill our petit bourgeois life with coffee in one hand and Kindle in the other seems a bit unrealistic. However, it is quite achievable to have it serve the dual purpose of laundry and storage.


1. Concealed for a Clearer Visual Appeal

On a small balcony, storage space is never too much. A laundry cabinet with overhead cabinets can utilize the upper part of the wall space, providing both upper and lower storage. Bid farewell to clutter. If conditions permit for a full-wall cabinet, storage space can be further increased, eliminating storage concerns and instantly achieving a neat and delicate balcony.

2. Protects the Washing Machine, Prolongs Lifespan

The balcony is well-lit with strong sunlight. Placing the washing machine on the balcony is convenient for drying clothes. However, exposing the washing machine to direct sunlight can accelerate its aging. A balcony laundry cabinet can block sunlight, reduce damage from wind and sun, protect the machine's exterior, and extend the lifespan of the washing machine.

3. Creates a Backup Wash and Wash Area, Handwashing Area

Another advantage of a balcony laundry cabinet is that it provides an additional wash and wash area for the whole family. Do you have to squat and handwash precious clothes? With a balcony laundry cabinet, say goodbye to back pain, and comfortably wash clothes while standing.

Laundry in Balcony A Image 12

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Laundry in Balcony C Image 17

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03 Laundry in Bathroom

The laundry in small bathroom is essentially the installation of a laundry system inside the bathroom, making it a great choice for homes with relatively cramped spaces.


1. Eliminates the trouble of drainage issues

Bathroom spaces are generally designed with waterproofing measures and arrangements for wastewater discharge from the beginning, eliminating the trouble of drainage issues.

2. Overcomes space limitations

For smaller living spaces where there may not be extra room for a washing machine, the integration of the bathroom and laundry system is the most suitable choice.

3. Convenient for changing and washing clothes

When the laundry system is set up in the bathroom, it becomes more convenient to wash clothes promptly.

Note: When designing the laundry system indoors, especially in the bathroom, it's crucial to manage the distance between wet and dry areas to prevent long-term dampness affecting the lifespan of the washing machine.

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04 Hallway Laundry Room

If there is enough space in the hallway, hiding the laundry system within the hallways or on spare walls is also a nice choice. No need to cover it with folding doors or curtains when not in use, making it more efficient in maximizing space usage.

Hallway Laundry Room A Image 7

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Hallway Laundry Room B Image 11

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Hallway Laundry Room C Image 14

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Hallway Laundry Room D Image 17

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